Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Sara's Skincare Routine & product review

Many of you have asked what I use for skin care, so here's a detailed how-to with links to the products and other information you'll need.

My skin type is very light/fair, oily, sensitive, and acne-prone.  For years I've struggled to with nearly every skincare product offered over the counter and even prescription to no avail, often making my skin even worse. When I first heard about the Oil Cleansing method I almost instantly wrote it off, thinking that would be the last thing my oily skin needed.  I am happy to say I was wrong, and my skin has never looked healthier!  The method generally involves a mixture of olive & castor oils to name just one recipe, but I have been most recently using Coconut Oil for nearly a year now.  You massage about a teaspoon onto your dry face to break up dirt, oil and even waterproof eye makeup for about a minute or two. Follow this with a clean, damp wash cloth that is as hot as you can stand, press it over your face and eyes until it is cool, then gently wipe off the oil. I was amazed to see my skin soft and glowing after the first time, I'm hooked.

 I only cleanse my skin once a day.  Having tried years of over-stimulating my skin with harsh chemicals, scrubs and treatments I figured I didn't have anything to lose, and it's working for me!  Here's my nightly routine, if you think you have the same challenges with your skin as I do, give this a try and hopefully you find some relief like I did!

Cleanser: Organic Coconut oil
Look for this in the natural section of the supermarket near cooking oils.  This stuff is amazing and has so many uses!

Eye cream: Origins GinZing
Everyone should use an eye cream if they want to look youthful.  This is my favorite. It has caffeine, ginseng and light reflecting shimmer in it to de-puff,  brighten, and smooth lines.

Face Moisturizer:  Pharmagel Derma Fade Spf 35
If you want a more even skin tone I highly recommend this!  It's rich without being to heavy, and it fades old acne scarring, freckles and the like.  I feel like I can often skip foundation thanks to this product.

Once or twice a week I use an exfoliator, I usually alternate between Dermalogica Daily Microfoliant and Nude Perfect Polish to keep my skin smooth.

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